What is Ageing Well?
Our Ageing well service is for anyone 65 and over.
"We are a non-urgent service and aim to contact you within 2 weeks of receiving your referral. We want to ensure that older and frail people in Northamptonshire can choose well, stay well and live well in the community."
A support worker will make contact with you to arrange and conduct a home assessment. During the assessment they can assist with the following:
- ensure you have any mobility and monitoring equipment you need at home
- assist you in accessing local social and exercise groups to get specialist advice and guidance
- arrange a review with a GP, pharmacy colleague, and a nurse to discuss the issues that matter to you
- link you with a befriender if you choose
- review the benefits you are receiving to make sure you are getting the ones that are available to you
- ensure that those caring for you are supported
If you feel you would benefit from the ageing well service, you can speak to reception to organise a referral.
Watch the video below from Integrated Care Northamptonshire that explains Ageing Well: